Inventory Counting in SAP Business One

One of the things that makes it difficult for a business or company to develop is warehouse management that is less effective and efficient. Especially in procuring product stock and storing it, it becomes less organized, so this will make recording and collecting data difficult. As a result, market needs are not met properly. The impact is even worse, the company could experience losses due to inaccurate planning. This also means that it is not known exactly where the stock of goods was received and distributed.


Why is Inventory Counting Important?

  • Able to increase the accuracy of stock orders

  • Able to Help Organize the Warehouse

  • Able to Save Time and Money

  • Can Increase Company Efficiency and Productivity 

How is Inventory Counting in SAP Business One?

SAP Business One Version 9 offers an inventory counting process to help improve inventory accuracy. SAP Business One Version 9 inventory counting allows warehouse managers to determine the frequency of stock quantities based on determining the number of cycles. For example a decision may be made to count all high values (item A) every month, all lower values (item B) every 3 months and all low values (item C) once a year.


Below we will discuss several features in inventory calculations in SAP Business One, namely:

SAP Business One Version 9 – Inventory Counting – Inventory Cycles Set-up

With the bin location function in SAP Business One Version 9, inventory calculations can be categorized into several types, namely at warehouse level, bin location, or item level.


SAP Business One Version 9 Inventory Counting – Cycle Count Determination

SAP Business One also provides an alert feature in its inventory management. This alert system works in determining items that are due for inventory taking.


SAP Business One Version 9 – Inventory Counting

SAP Business One Version 9 includes a new inventory counting document for recording and managing inventory taking. Meanwhile, the Freeze feature in SAP Business One helps freeze items that are being counted during the inventory taking process. This is useful for preventing updates to items while stock counting is in progress.

SAP Business One Version 9 inventory calculation supports calculations of units of measure (UoM), serial and batch items, multiple counters and multiple bins. Know other features of SAP Business One such as Bin Location

The following is an explanation of Inventory Counting in SAP Business One. Check out this interesting article about other features in SAP Business One. Stay Tuned