The Importance of Bonded Zone IT Inventory for Companies

Lukman 24-06-2022 1371 Viewer SAP Business One

Recently, the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE) issued a new regulation regarding IT Inventory in bonded zones. This regulation aims to provide convenience and certainty for service user companies in bonded zones in Indonesia.

This regulation is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 131/PMK.04/2018 and the Director General of Customs and Excise Regulation number PER-19/BC/2018 concerning Bonded Zone Administration. The fundamental change that occurs due to the roll-out of this regulation is that Indonesian bonded zone service users are required to use information technology that manages the entry and exit of goods or better known as IT inventory management.

If your company is licensed in one of Indonesia's bonded zones or has just decided to apply for a license, then this regulation should be of utmost concern to you. In this article, we will discuss this in more depth.

IT Inventory Criteria

In the regulation rolled out by DGCE, they mentioned that the IT inventory that DGCE requires must fulfill the following conditions:

§  You can use IT inventory to record goods in, goods out, goods in the production process, under adjustment, and stock-taking results continuously and in real time.

§  IT inventory can function to create reports in the form of:

§  Goods entry report per customs document

§  Goods release per customs document

§  Report on the position of goods in the production process

§  Mutation of goods, viz:

§  Raw and auxiliary materials
§  Finished goods
§  Scrap
§  Office machinery and equipment


Another criteria that DGCE requires is that the IT inventory must be accessible by Customs and Excise officers for 24 hours. Not only that, the IT inventory must be integrated with an accounting system that functions to produce financial reports.

Choosing the right IT Inventory software

It is true that there are many inventory software circulating in Indonesia. However, not all of these IT inventory software have the capabilities required by DGCE and are suitable for companies in Indonesia.

One of the main drawbacks is that the inventory software cannot be integrated with accounting software. As a result, if you insist on using the software, you will often repeat the input process, once in the inventory software and again in the accounting software.

This is certainly inefficient and not in accordance with the requirements mentioned by DGCE. Therefore, use IT inventory software that is in accordance with regulations for companies using bonded area services.


SAP Business One comes to provide solutions to users of bonded area services. Not only integrated with accounting software, SAP Business One software can also be connected to the sales and purchasing system. SAP Business One modules include:

·      Administrator Mode

·      Financial Modul

·      Sales Opportunities

·      Purchasing

·      Business Partner and Banking, dll

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