Why is the most complete SAP software important for business? Here's the review

In this modern era, almost all large or small-scale companies (MSMEs) have used the most complete SAP software. Because this system is able to integrate with managing a company quite efficiently and effectively.

Business Process Application System (SAP) is a series of software that functions to manage and integrate the resources of a company.

Thus, SAP emphasizes more on planning and analyzing the resources owned by a company. The resources in question are very broad in scope, can be HR (Human Resources), assets, financial, accounting, and other resources.

Definition of Business Process Application System (SAP)

Business Process Application System (SAP) is a system that is integrated between one component and another. The goal is to summarize business processes, so that it will become a very effective and efficient collaboration. 

This system is made with technology that can generate information so that companies become more competitive in operational transactions.

The most complete SAP software cannot run properly if it is not supported by a set of applications and computer infrastructure both hardware and software. Processing data and information made with the system will be easier and more integrated.

The most important concept of the SAP system is integrated planning in a company. The goal is none other than to plan and manage the resources owned by the company. Then it can respond to customer needs more effectively and efficiently.

If you are still confused about the meaning of SAP, you can recognize its characteristics. The following characteristics are owned by the most complete SAP software:

1. SAP is a suite of software designed for client-server environments.

2. SAP can process all transactions of a company.

3. Users can access data in real-time.

4. To store data, an enterprise-scale database is used.

5. The business processes of the company will be integrated.

Industries that use the most complete SAP software

Initially, the most complete SAP software was only designed for the manufacturing industry. But along with the development of technology, this system has penetrated into other sectors. 

Now the most complete SAP software can be used in the food and beverage sector, wholesale, industry and retail, education, services, real estate, health, and even health.

The most complete SAP software can enter various company sectors to manage and integrate all the basic functions of a company. 

Because every company must have many activities carried out such as buying and selling goods, distributing goods, managing employees, and recording finances.

Why is SAP Complete Software Important?

For this reason, the most complete SAP software is very important for various industries. One of them is the Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia which is so important, especially in reports that must be submitted to various stakeholders.

For this reason, SAP Bandung is present as the most complete SAP software solution in Indonesia to meet the needs of bonded zones in Indonesia. And of course the system that is developed you can customize according to your business needs.

Common Modules in SAP Software

You have understood what SAP is along with its types of development and uses. Now, you need to know what modules are usually in SAP in general.

1. Accounting 

An automated accounting system functions to manage the incoming and outgoing cash flow in a company. 

The module also helps companies handle various accounting transactions such as expenses, balance sheet, ledger, bank reconciliation, budgeting, tax management, and others. You can create company financial reports with just a few clicks in this module.

2. CRM

The CRM (Customer Relationship Management) module helps improve sales performance through better customer service and building healthy relationships with customers.

This module also helps companies manage and track prospect and customer information such as communication history, calls, meetings, data on transactions they make, contract duration, and others.

3. HRM

The HRM (Human Resource Management) module helps improve the efficiency of the HR department in a company. 

This module helps manage employee information such as performance appraisals, job descriptions, skills, attendance, leave, and others. 

Payroll Management is one of the important sub modules in the HRM System that serves to manage salaries, travel expenses, and expense reimbursements.

4. Sales

This module handles sales workflows such as sales reports, bid proposals (RFP & RFQ), sales orders, and invoices. 

If the sales system is integrated with CRM, accounting & Inventory systems then it is certain that you can drive more sales with accurate data from future sales forecasts.

Sales forecasting is very important for companies engaged in trade or retail. You can't possibly predict how much demand there will be every day, so it is necessary to estimate the possibility of changing demand.

Of course, with a capable Sales System, it will help you prepare the possible number of SKU stocks that must be available in each seasonal demand.

5. Inventory

The inventory module is useful for tracking and managing stock items in the company including monitoring inventory levels, scheduling replenishment, forecasting and creating inventory reports.

A good SAP software allows integration of the Inventory module with a barcode or SKU scanner. The inventory module will be more effective if integrated with the purchasing module.

6. Purchasing

This module manages the processes involved in procuring goods. These include: supplier list, requisition and quote analysis, purchase orders, goods receipt notes, and stock updates. 

This module can be integrated with the inventory module for more optimized stock procurement management.

Of course, the purchasing application can also improve your company's purchasing management by procuring goods in advance without waiting for the stock to run out. 

In addition, orders will be placed automatically when the stock reaches the minimum threshold. The presence of this application can also avoid the loss of ordering goods that do not match the details because it is equipped with important documents when making transactions.

7. Manufacturing

This module functions to increase efficiency in the manufacturing process in a business, such as; product planning, material routing, daily production monitoring, and creating Bill of Materials.

The best complete SAP software allows manufacturing modules to be integrated with barcode or RFID scanners.

Another advantage of a flexible Manufacturing System is that manufacturers can customize existing features or even add various modules that they need.

For example, modules such as purchasing, accounting, human resource management, supply chain management, and others. That way, you can more easily measure the overall effectiveness of the equipment at any time through real-time reporting tools.

Consider These Factors When Choosing the Most Complete SAP Software

1. Your Business Needs

Every company has different needs. The challenges faced by your company may be different from other companies. The best complete SAP software can be tailored to the unique needs of each business.

Make sure you understand what your business challenges are and what solutions you expect from the most complete SAP software of your choice.

Explain all your needs in detail to your vendor, so that you get the most complete SAP software with specifications and features that suit your needs.

2. Vendor Experience

Find out detailed information about your SAP vendor, including their experience in providing SAP solutions for various businesses. Who are their clients? What are their industries? How long has the vendor been operating?

Ask for testimonials from each of their clients. If necessary, ask their clients directly about the benefits they get from using the most complete SAP software (including their relationship with the vendor and the services they get from the vendor).

3. Support from Vendors

When you talk to a SAP vendor or company, you should not forget to ask about what support they provide.

Support is a very important element in every stage of the project, consisting of: needs analysis, project planning, implementation, configuration, training and mentoring, up to post-implementation.

Make sure that you can contact your vendor easily when your most complete SAP software is experiencing problems or when you have questions about how the system works.

4. Ease of Integration and Customization

Good SAP software makes it easy for users to integrate and customize it. You may not need many integrations or customizations right now, but your business needs may change over time.

You may want to add modules or reduce them in the future. As your business gets bigger, its needs become more complex.

So, make sure that the most complete SAP software you choose can easily scale your business.

5. Implementation Process

One of the main factors you need to consider when choosing a SAP application is the implementation duration. The amount of system customization usually affects the length of time it takes to implement SAP software.

The more adjustments there are, the longer the implementation process will take. Cloud-based SAP implementations tend to be faster and simpler compared to conventional SAP implementations.

So think carefully about which type of SAP deployment is more beneficial for your company.

6. Budget calculations according to needs

The most complete SAP software that offers cheaper costs may be able to minimize your company's expenses.

However, on the other hand, software that is relatively cheap may require a longer implementation process and the results may be less effective.

If your company's management needs are quite large, then your company also needs SAP software which is of course capable.

Therefore, careful calculation of budget and needs is one of the keys to success in choosing the best SAP. It is important for you to choose SAP software with a price that is comparable to the quality offered.

So, don't be too hasty in choosing SAP and evaluate its performance carefully which also suits your company's needs. You should look for information regarding the SAP software price calculation scheme.


In the midst of increasingly tight business competition like now, you must be able to keep up with various fast-changing technological trends.

Running your business with old or manual methods will only make your business lag behind others. If other business owners have automated their business processes, why haven't you? "CLICK HERE FOR CONSULTATION".

SAP can simplify various complex business operational activities thereby increasing efficiency, saving costs, and optimizing your business productivity. Various business scales can use this software, whether small, medium or large scale.


Tags : SAP Business One Jakarta, SAP Business One Bandung, SAP Business One Semarang, SAP Business One Surabaya, SAP Business One Bali